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What to Bring
Food & Beverages
A complimentary cooler with ice, water and sodas are provided with every cruise. However, you are welcome to bring your own beer, wine, or alcoholic beverages, as well as appetizers and food, and our crew will make your drinks, pour your wine and serve the food you bring aboard.. A large cooler with ice, glasses (wine, champagne & drinking), plates, dining utensils etc. are provided on board and the crew does the dishes. For a complete listing of food and beverage options please go to the top of the page and click on "About" then click on "food & beverages". Your home cooking is always welcome...
Camera and or Video
You never know what you are going to see on the Indian River Lagoon so be sure to be camera and video ready. The Lagoon is the most diverse estuary in North America with more than 3,000 animals including more than 400 fishes and 300 birds. There are about 200 to 300 dolphins that live in the lagoon and we see them over 95% of the time we go out.
Towel, Sunscreen and your bluetooth music.
Hat and Sun Glasses
Extra clothes if you like. And a Big Smile. :-)

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